Toward the end of the 20th century, robots made their appearance in the medical world – forever changing the way neurosurgeons and other medical professionals conduct surgery. With more advanced technology assisting medical experts, patients reap benefits such as reduced operative time, decreased risk, customized surgical plans, and more.
Do you have questions about robotic-assisted surgery? Call us today: 478-743-7092.
Today, we are excited to announce the Mazor X technology, a robotic-assisted spinal surgical platform, will soon be coming to Georgia Neurosurgical Institute’s very own surgery center! Let’s take a look at how it works and why it’s so important:
Mazor X Technology
The Mazor X technology is primarily used by neurosurgeons when spine surgery is necessary. This technology is innovative and minimally invasive, which dramatically reduces operative time and accelerates recovery time.
Before the Mazor X technology is used, your neurosurgeon plans the surgery on a computer before the surgery takes place. During this planning period, the neurosurgeon will determine where the Mazor X should place the surgical instrument. By using GPS-like technology, the Mazor X will place the instrument exactly where it should be based on the customized surgical plan.
Patients who need lumbar fusions or surgery for spinal tumors or fractures can benefit from this technology.
GNI Neurosurgeons & Mazor X Technology
If you are diagnosed with a spine condition and it requires surgery, you want the very best people and technology to perform your treatment. We are passionate about your recovery and overall health. That’s why our very own surgery center will soon be using the Mazor X technology! If you have any questions about your spine health or about this new technology, don’t hesitate to call us: 478-743-7092.
Discover the conditions we treat and how our neurosurgeons can help you!
(Surgery Center Permit Number 011-433)